Indo-European rules
Mini conference, Thursday 10 October, 15.00-17.15, room 23.4.39 (KUA).
- 15.00 - Prof. Brent Vine, UCLA: "Latin Salvidenus, Salvidena (CIL I2 1813): Morphology, Orthography, Culture"
- 15.30 - Prof. Joshua T. Katz, Princeton University: "Two Long Alphas at the Start of the Iliad"
- 16.00 - Coffee break
- 16.15 - Prof. Michael Janda, University of Münster: "Atri und die Atriden"
- 16.45 - Benedicte Nielsen Whitehead, Ph.D., Copenhagen: "The intrusive nasal in Ved. púmān, svādīyān etc.: sound law or analogy?"
All are welcome.