Festlig Faglig Fredag & Semesterstartsdrinks with Johan Ulrik Nielsen: From Tarḫunt and Tanaro to Fjǫrgynn and Parjánya

Summer is upon us, and after summer comes a new semester, which should obviously be welcomed by a Festlig Faglig Freday and a little glass. Therefore, The Roots would love to invite all students, staff and hangarounds to join this Festlig Faglig Fredag-Semesterstartsdrinks-combo.
Johan Ulrik Nielsen will give the talk
From Tarḫunt and Tanaro to Fjǫrgynn and Parjánya: A survey of the evidence for and against a Proto-Indo-European theonym
which is based on his Prize Paper / Master's Thesis.
Because of an inaugural lecture at the department also taking place this afternoon, we'll meet at five o'clock, and the talk will begin at a quarter past. Afterwards, the festiveness of the Friday will increase until it reaches a glass of cava in the name of the storm god and Semesterstart.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Online attendance
If you wish to attend online, you can do so via zoom.
Map of South Campus
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