Crash course in Indo-European mythology and poetics

Riccardo Ginevra of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano (UCSC Milan) and former Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow at Roots of Europe will give a crash course in comparative Indo-European mythology and poetics for interested students and researchers.
There are no requirements; explanations of all technical terms and key concepts are provided in class by the instructor. By means of lectures, group activities (team exercises intended for the students to actively learn how to analyse and compare the poetic devices and structures presented during lectures), and readings of actual texts from various Indo-European traditions (provided by the instructor both in translation and in the original languages), the seminar will provide an overview of the fields of Indo-European Mythology and Poetics, of how we can use them to understand ancient cultures better, and to reflect on our own.
It will take place
Monday 4.dec. 14-16, 4A.1.68
Tuesday 5. dec. 10-12, 4A.1.68
Wedensday 6. dec. 14-16, 21.0.47
Thursday 7. dec. 14-16, 21.0.47
Map of South Campus
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