12 April 2021
Prizes from the Indogermanische Gesellschaft
The Indogermanische Gesellschaft has announced the prizes for the best theses in Indo-European studies in 2020.
Corinna Scheungraber, who will join us as a Marie Curie fellow at the Roots of Europe center from the summer 2021, was placed third in the category “best PhD thesis” for her thesis Zu keltisch-germanischen Kontaktbeziehungen in der Spätantike: Die altgermanischen und altkeltischen Theonyme in provinzial-römischer Epigraphik.
And Tore Rovs Kristoffersen who studied Indo-European Linguistics besides Classics in Copenhagen, was placed third in the category “best MA thesis” for his thesis Monophthongization of u-diphthong before labial consonant in Greek.