16 August 2024

New book: Indo-European interfaces

Indo-European interfaces: cover
Indo-European interfaces: cover

The first volume in the series Stockholm Studies in Indo-European Language and Culture, established in connection with the LAMP project, has been published:

Jenny Larsson, Thomas Olander & Anders Richardt Jørgensen (eds.). 2024. Indo-European interfaces: Integrating linguistics, mythology and archaeology. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press. doi:10.16993/bcn

The book contains the following contributions:

1. Jenny Larsson: The many interfaces of Indo-European

2. Timothy G. Barnes: The distribution of goods and lordship in Indo-European

3. Riccardo Ginevra: Hermes and Prometheus in Scandinavia – or Thor and Thjalfi in Greece

4. Stefan Höfler: Linnaean linguistics

5. Anders Hultgård: Travelling myths or Indo-European tradition?

6. Rune Iversen: Issues with the steppe hypothesis: An archaeological perspective

7. Peter Jackson Rova: The inverse of praise

8. Michael Janda: The night sky of the Indo-Europeans

9. Anders Kaliff & Terje Oestigaard: Fighting the winter

10. John T. Koch: Celto-Germanic and North-West Indo-European vocabulary

11. Birgit Anette Olsen: The Indo-European vocabulary of dairy products

12. Nicholas Zair: Priests, oxen and the Indo-European taxonomy of wealth in the Iguvine Tables
