eLetter featured in the »Indo-European News« podcast episode
The eLetter in Science written by many of the Copenhagen Roots in response to the controversial paper by Heggarty et al. was featured in the December episode of the podcast »Two Ling Circus«.

The December episode »Indo-European News« of the podcast »Two Ling Circus« included a discussion of the critique advanced by a group of Copenhagen scolars in response to the controversial claims by Heggarty et al. The Podcast is hosted by youtuber and former UCLA lecturer Dr Jackson Crawford and has 275.000 subscribers. This episode features Anthony Yates (UCLA) and Luke Gorton (University of New Mexico).
You can hear the discussion of the "neat little graph" in the episode below.
The eLetter »Archaeolinguistic anachronisms in Heggarty et al. 2023« by Kroonen, Olander, Nørtoft et al. is posted here (below the article), and the figure can be found here.