Festlig Faglig Fredag with Manex Aguirrezabal: A brief introduction to some Basque morphology

Time for a Festlig Faglig Fredag talk 🥳 This time it's Manex Aguirrezabal, who will give a talk titled
A brief introduction to some Basque morphology or how to build nouns and verbs as if they were Lego bricks
Abstract: In my talk, I will be giving a brief account of Basque morphology. My goal is to show how Basque speakers conjugate verbs and nouns in different ways. The approach will be mostly example-based. In the end, I will talk about the development of rule-based methods for the automatic morphological analysis, shortly outlining the work done in Finite-State Technology (Hulden 2009) and Basque Morhphology (Alegria 1996).
As always, we will meet up from 16:00 onwards. The talk will begin talk at 16:15.
Note that due to the mold situation in our usual location, we'll be in a new and exciting room over at KUA3: 4A.0.68.
For those who are not able to attend, the talk will be streamed on Zoom: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/64410329805?pwd=ayhaaa4q6FISy78ION02xmmbP6iNGC.1
See you there!