Festlig Faglig FjernsynsFredag 🍿 The Language of Kalašma: A New Branch of Anatolian

It's not everyday a new Indo-European language drops! Therefore, you're cordially invited to join the Roots for a 🍿movie night🍿 where will meet in Lingvistisk Laboratorium to watch the live stream of the Oxford Anatolian Seminar »The Language of Kalašma: A New Branch of Anatolian« by Elisabeth Rieken (speaker) & Ilya Yakubovich.
Here is a little teaser, a snippet from the news about the discovery published at uni-wuerzburg.de:
More Precise Classification of the New Language is in Progress
Being written in a newly discovered language the Kalasmaic text is as yet largely incomprehensible. Daniel Schwemer’s colleague, Professor Elisabeth Rieken (Philipps-Universität Marburg), a specialist in ancient Anatolian languages, has confirmed that the idiom belongs to the family of Anatolian-Indo-European languages.
According to Rieken, despite its geographic proximity to the area where Palaic was spoken, the text seems to share more features with Luwian. How closely the language of Kalasma is related to the other Luwian dialects of Late Bronze Age Anatolia will be the subject of further investigation.
The seminar is streamed at 5 o'clock UK time, so we will be ready and live at 18:00 in Copenhagen.
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