Festlig Faglig Fredag with Julia Sturm: Stormy weather: Preliminary observations on climate and weather in Indo-European

View of stormy Central Asian plain
Central Asian plain in stormy weather. The grasslands are ideal for pastoral nomads, but plant growth depends heavily on the climate. Image credit: Bernd Thaller/CC BY-NC 2.0, via mit.edu

The semester is progressing like the wind sweeping over the Pontic-Caspian plains, and that means that it is time for the next Festlig Faglig Fredag.

This talk will be given by Julia Sturm who is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow at Roots of Europe. She holds a PhD from Harvard University and has a background in Classics, Linguistics and Indo-European Studies.

The title of the talk will be

Stormy weather: preliminary observations on climate and weather in Indo-European

As always, we'll meet at 4 PM, and the talk will begin at 4:15. Everyone is welcome to join!

If you’re in a land far, far away, you can also join on Zoom. Only the talk and not the socialising will be streamed.

Meeting ID: 611 5378 5737
Passcode: 318258

Please join well in advance and with your own name.