Festlig Faglig Fredag with Nicolas Jansens: The early Slavic vowel system between notation and empiricism

Nicolas Jansens is currently doing an internship at Roots of Europe as a part of his doctoral studies at Heidelberg University and the Charles University in Prague. He holds an M.A. in Slavic Studies with a focus on linguistics (Heidelberg University) and a B.A. in Linguistics and Central and Eastern European Studies (University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada). He currently works on Proto-Slavic and its early disintegration, especially with respect to the chronology of changes and the facts surrounding its disputed language history.
On Friday, May 6, he will give the next talk for Festlig Faglig Fredag, and his title will be:
"The early Slavic vowel system between notation and empiricism"
We'll meet on the second floor in Rasmus Rask / Ludvig Holberg at four o'clock, and the talk will begin at 4:15.
This event will not be streamed.
After the talk, everyone is invited for a glass and a small snack.
See you there!