Festlig Faglig Fredag (ii)
Monophthongisation of u-diphthong before Labial Consonant in Greek
At this second edition of Festive Academic Friday, which will take place on November 8th at 1600, Tore Rovs Kristoffersen will present some points from his Master’s thesis, about which he writes:
In my soon-to-be-finished thesis, I investigated a sound law, which originally was proposed by Adam Hyllested and Paul Cohen in an article in 2007. The authors here presented a handful of examples in which we see the word-initial ὑ- instead of an expected diphthong (e.g. ὑφαίνω 'jeg væver' i stedet for †αὐφαίνω < *h₂(e)ubʰ‑n̥i̯e/o‑) as proof of a sound law *VuP- > ŭP-, and suggested that it could be applicable in word medial position. However, for the latter, the authors didn't conduct a systematic examination of the material. So I did the examination and can among other things conclude that there are even more examples of monophthongisation in the medial position than in the initial position and that there are no clear counterexamples hereof.
The concept is as usual: the first half is academic the next is free socialisation.

Festlig Faglig Fredag (Festive Academic Friday) is a concept where you can give a talk in an informal environment, that being e.g. about a paper you wrote, an article you're working on, or as a rehearsal for a conference talk. Afterwards, there will be time for socialising and maybe a little something to drink. It takes place in the Indo-European handbook library (room 22.5.04)
If you are interested in giving a talk, contact Birgit in room 22.5.10 or at bao@hum.ku.dk