Festlig Faglig Fredag (i)
Ships and Animals in Comparative Indo-European Religion: Myth, Ritual, and Iconography
In this first edition of Festlig Faglig Fredag (Festive Academic Friday) Peter Kahlke Olesen will tell about his master's thesis about which he writes:
A remarkable element that recurs in Indo-European mythological traditions is the relationship between ships and animals, particularly horses. This can be found both in the poetic use of animal metaphors for ships, and in narratives about transformations. These connections are often part of a mythological complex involving the journey of the sun and the divine twins. In Nordic Bronze Age iconography, similar visual relationships between ships and animals abound, which will here form the basis for a comparison between the archaeological material and different mythic-poetic traditions. The Nordic rock carvings are of particular importance in this endeavour, as they might throw light on the ritual dimensions of the mythological complex.
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Everybody is welcome!

Festlig Faglig Fredag (Festive Aacademic Friday) is a concept where you can give a talk in an informal environment, that being e.g. about a paper you wrote, an article you're working on, or as a rehearsel for a conference talk. Afterwards there will be time for socialising and maybe a little something to drink. It takes place in the Indo-European handbook library (room 22.5.04)
If you are interested in giving a talk, contact Birgit in room 22.5.10 or at bao@hum.ku.dk